
Go creative - 1 - Capture Creativity: 5 tips from Aviv's blog - ENG

1 - Listen to your new thoughts, ideas, questions: new ideas turn up anywhere, any time.
2 - Record your ideas in real time: have with you a small notebook, a mini tape, Iphone, pads.
3 - Capture the essence of the idea. Capture the tag line, the kernel of the concept/ opportunity / insight. Seize whatever is available of it in real time, as it appears. Do not delay. Mozart heard symphonies, you hear ideas.
4 - Develop your ideas daily. Foster and nurture ideas every day. Developing the kernels you capture is an iterative process. Begin by unwrapping the gift you received in the kernel you captured. Open it up, play with it, and develop its possibilities. Do it on your own. Do it in conversation. Do it in open collaboration.
5 - Implement and create value. Complete the creative cycle. Follow the path of the idea. Nurture the kernel to flower.

Lesson learned: I like the idea of the Creative Cycle.
1 - I think often when I am travelling by train.
2 - I use a black Moleskine.
3 - I trace a sort of map of the idea.
4 - I am used to talk of my visions in conversations with friends.
5 - Well, here I am still waiting the right commitment.
The Geekster Moleskine -

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