
Go innovating - 4 - SCOTT COOK - The Contribution Revolution - ENG

The Contribution Revolution: Letting Volunteers Build Your Business
Scott Cook - Oct 1, 2008

1 - Millions of people make voluntary contributions to companies that create value for those firms’ customers and for their shareholders.

2 - User contributions are fueling some of the world’s fastest-growing and competitively advantaged organizations (sometimes revolutionizing the economics of entire industries by radically shrinking their cost structures).

3 - Active/Explicit contribution (eBay; Wikipedia) vs Passive/not-explicit contribution (Skype with almost no capital cost because of its internet-based phone system is built on the unused porcessing capacity of customers' PCs; Google built on user contributions via the algorithmic aggregation of links placing ad relying on data from people's click behavior).
4 - Examples from traditional industries: Honda, Procter & Gamble, Best Buy, and Hyatt that are tapping user contributions to
- improve products,
- better serve custumers,
- generate new business,
- reduce costs,
- boost employee performance

5- User Contribution System (UCS) - method for aggregating and leveraging people’s contributions or behaviors in ways that are useful to other people.

6 - Detailed UCS taxonomy chart (with examples) --> Wiki

Lesson learned: as Scott Cook says "The concept of user contribution isn’t new".
But I find his contribute a good extension of Chesbrough's Open Innovation (http://12cose.blogspot.com/2009/01/go-innovating-3-henry-chesbrough-open.html).
And I hope to give my contributions to his Wiki asap.

Harvard Business Review - http://hbr.harvardbusiness.org/

Links: Intuit - http://www.intuit.com/

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